Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal: Potato Bag Planted, Lettuce Growing Nicely

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal

Welcome to Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal or Blog, if you like. This is where you can keep up to date on what is happening in my square foot garden, so check back often for updates!! This is a supplement to my main Square Foot Gardeing Web Page which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Page

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Potato Bag Planted, Lettuce Growing Nicely

In my last entry I told you about the potato bag that I was going to try out this year. Well, I planted 6 Yukon Gold seed potatoes in this new bag on last Wednesday, April 23. I filled it about 1/3 full and planted the seed potatoes near the bottom of the bag. I used about 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 top soil, and 1/3 composted cow manure. As the eyes sprout and begin to form leaves, I will cover them over with more of the mix. This will cause the sprouts to form more tubers/potatoes, which is want you want. See the picture below for a picture of this potato bag. I placed it right on top of the gravel drive behind my small plot of chives. You can get one of these Potato Bags from Gardener's Supply Company by clicking here: Potato Bag

My lettuce is finally starting to grow. The weather has been unusually warm for this time of year, so I removed my plastic cover on my hoop and replaced it with a row cover. This helped out some of the lettuce seedlings that were wilting due to the excess heat that was building up under the plastic. See the picture below for a look on how the lettuce is growing under the hoop today.

The weather forecast is for cooler than normal temperature for the next few days or so. A low of 32 degrees F is predicted for Tuesday morning. I am waiting to plant my broccoli and cabbage plants until after that. They should be in the ground already, but this is the type of spring we have had so far.

I have been harvesting green onions (from my fall planted topsetting onions), and also chives.