Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal: Onions and Peas Planted

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal

Welcome to Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal or Blog, if you like. This is where you can keep up to date on what is happening in my square foot garden, so check back often for updates!! This is a supplement to my main Square Foot Gardeing Web Page which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Page

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Onions and Peas Planted

I planted my onion plants yesterday, April 2nd. I planted approx. 140 plants for full mature onions and another 90 or so for green onion harvesting. This does not include the topsetting/walking onions that I have growing now in the garden that were set out last fall. For the spacing on the onions I am growing for a full mature onion, I give them a little more room than what Mel Bartholomew recommends (which is 3 inch spacing). I plant these onions 4 inches apart in short north-south rows 5 inches apart. This spacing, I feel, gives the onions a little bit more room to grow. The spacing between rows also makes it easier to side dress the Root Crops Alive! 100% All-Natural Fertilizer, which I will apply in a few weeks. I planted 4 long rows of onions for green onions, using the closer spacing of 3 inches. The onion varieties I planted were Onion Candy Hybrid Park Seed and Onion Stockton Sweet Red Park Seed . These are both good intermediate day onions that grow well for me here in Indiana. I planted more Candy onion than Stockton Red, as I think Candy grows a little bit better.

I planted Sugar Ann Snap Pea today. I planted these 4 inches apart under a galvanized wire Pea Fence . This is a new variety of snap pea that I am trying this year.

I have nearly all of my seedlings in my cold frame right now, just waiting for a few more lettuce seeds to germinate before they get moved out into the frame. The weather remains cold and wet, but the forecast is for warmer weather this coming weekend. Happy Spring Gardening!!