Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal: Cold Frame is Up, Still Waiting for Warmer Weather

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal

Welcome to Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal or Blog, if you like. This is where you can keep up to date on what is happening in my square foot garden, so check back often for updates!! This is a supplement to my main Square Foot Gardeing Web Page which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Page

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Cold Frame is Up, Still Waiting for Warmer Weather

The Juwel cold frame went up yesterday over a portion of one of my garden beds. The soil was still half frozen in the garden, which made it a little difficult to level. I highly recommend getting one, especially if you like starting your own seeds. Also a must is the automatic solar vent. If you use this cold frame, you must make sure that you securely pin it down into the soil, or the wind might carry it away to you neighbor's yard. You must also place a few small bricks or rocks over the top piece that is not attached to the solar vent, because the wind will have a tendency to lift it off. I line the bottom of the frame with two large black plastic trash bags and then place plastic milk jugs filled with water and wrapped with black duct tape around the interior walls of the cold frame for extra warmth.

You can purchase one of these cold frames here:
Cold Frame: Juwel 1000 Basic Unit

You can also purchase an automatic solar vent here:
Cold Frame: Automatic Opener Arm

I am still waiting for the weather to warm up. It has been cold here for the last two weeks. The weather forecast is for rain turning to snow......what else is new. I am hopeful to be able to start some lettuce seeds indoors maybe in four or five days.