Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal: Very Dry Late Summer Garden

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal

Welcome to Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal or Blog, if you like. This is where you can keep up to date on what is happening in my square foot garden, so check back often for updates!! This is a supplement to my main Square Foot Gardeing Web Page which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Page

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Monday, September 01, 2008

Very Dry Late Summer Garden

The weather has been very dry over the last 3 weeks or so. I really could use some rain. Oh well, I guess I have to water my garden artificially. Some parts of my garden are doing well, but others not so well. My pole lima beans have really struggled this year, probably due to the cool and rainy conditions we had earlier in the growing season. The vines are starting to get growing now and have set a few pods, but not many for this time of year. My roma tomatoes continue to look pretty bad, but they are still producing ripe tomatoes. My mid-season planted green beans did not produce very well, as they were descended upon by bean beetles in biblical proportions and then they developed some leaf rust and then they nearly dried up. despite all that, I did mange to harvest some beans. The beans I planted where the spring onions were growing are doing pretty good and should begin producing beans within 2 to 3 weeks. Hopefully the bean beetles have moved on!! The fall broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage planted the first week of August are doing pretty good. I have to make sure they are watered regularly, especially in the late summer heat. The ones planted in the raised bed are growing better than the ones in the ground. It looks like I should have a good fall crop. I harvested some Green Towers and Sierra lettuce a few days ago. The plants have really taken off. I planted new lettuce seeds about one week ago, and they have germinated in the seedling trays. I am hopeful to get these seedling planted out into the garden by the third week of September after the weather has cooled a bit. I have also planted some top setting onions for green onions about 3 weeks ago, and they have started to push on green shoots. Here is what I have been harvesting from the garden over the last month or so: Green and banana peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, celery, and green beans. Happy Gardening!!