Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal: Let the Planting Begin

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal

Welcome to Tim's Square Foot Gardening Journal or Blog, if you like. This is where you can keep up to date on what is happening in my square foot garden, so check back often for updates!! This is a supplement to my main Square Foot Gardeing Web Page which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

Tim's Square Foot Gardening Page

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Let the Planting Begin

I hope we are finished with the really cold weather now. The weather the past few days has been sunny and progressively warmer. Yesterday was warm and sunny and I spent the day transplanting broccoli, cabbage, and brussel sprout seedlings (see first pic above). My lettuce is growing nicely with all of this mild weather. I have moved the plastic off of the hoop to keep the small plants from warming up too much (see second pic above). I harvested some of my top setting onions yesterday for green onions. I planted my peas about a week ago, but they have not germinated yet. If the weather stays warm, I might take apart my cold frame for the year. I have cucumbers and pepper plants still growing in the the cold frame. I cheated this year and bought some of my seedlings from a local nursery. I bought "Sweet Banana" pepper, "Hot Banana" pepper (I am trying this for the first time this year), and "Super Chili" pepper. I will be buying my "Roma" tomato seedlings soon. In about another 2 weeks it will be time to plant warm season seedlings (peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) out into the garden.